Andrew D. Jones
place: Cleveland, Ohio
BS - Mathematics - Cleveland State University; MA - Mathematics - Duke University; MS - Applied Mathematics - Brown University
Ph.D. - Applied Mathematics - Brown University (1999)
thesis:area of degree: Applied Mathematics
Benedict College
personal or universal URL:
email: bikeman6x@hotmail.comDr. Jones' statement is compelling: "I was born and raised in Cleveland. While I was growing up, in the 70's, it was not (and still is not) uncommon to label Black males EMR (Educable Mental Retard). I made all D's and F's in elementary and secondary school. At 16 I dropped out of high school."
After his Bachelors degree at Cleveland State University, he entered Duke University where he completed the requirements for BA in Physics, but Duke will not award a BA/S to someone who already has one. He then earned an MA in Mathematics. In 1999, he earned his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics at Brown University.
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