Japeth Hall, jr.
Born: August 1, 1929; Died: March 18, 1980
Birthplace: Jefferson County, Alabama
B.S. Mathematics 1952 Alabama State University; M.S. mathematics 1957 University of Illinois
Ph.D. Mathematics 1970 University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa
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email:Japheth Hall, Jr. was the second of eleven children. After high school graduation, he joined the U.S. Navy where his desire for more education heightened. After completing his tour of duty to his country, he enrolled in Alabama State University in Montgomery, Alabama where he earned the B.S. degree in Mathematics in 1952, graduating Magna Cum Laude. He received his M.S. degree in mathematics from the University of Illinois in 1957. He joined the Faculty of Stillman College in 1960 and to this response he dedicated himself professionally for the remainder of his life. While at Stillman, he earned the Ph.D. degree in Mathematics from the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa in August 1970. He was Professor and Chairman of the department of Mathematics of Stillman College in 1970.
Dr. Hall was the third president of the National Assocaition of Mathematicians.
4. Hall Japeth, jr. Independence in combinatiorial geometries of rank three. Canad. Math. Bull. 18 (1975), no. 2, 217--221.
3. Hall, Japheth, Jr. Covering dimension in finite-dimensional metric spaces. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 41 (1973), 274--277.
2 Hall,. Japeth, jr. The independence of certain axioms of structures in sets, Proceedings of the American Mathematics Society 31 (1972), 317--325.
1. Hall, Japeth, jr. A condition for equality of cardinals of minimal generators under closure conditions, Canadian Mathematics Bulletin 14 (1971).
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