David L. Ferguson
area of degree: Mathematics and Science Education
pre-doctoral education: B.S. in Mathematics and Physics, Southeast Missouri State University, 1971; M.S. in Mathematics, University of California at Los Angeles, 1975
doctoral institution: Ph.D. in Mathematics and Science Education. University of California, Berkeley 198
current (2/2000) employment: Co-director of the Computer Modeling of Biological Systems Laboratory (Funded by the Howard Huges Medical Institute)
personal or institution URL: http://www.spir.sunysb.edu/bio/ferguson_david.html
email: dferguson@dts.tns.sunysb.edu
Address: Program in Technology and Society, Department of Material Science and Engineering, SUNY at Stony Brook Stony Brook, NY 11794-2250Dr. David L. Ferguson joined the faculty of Stony Brook in 1981. Currently he is Professor of Technology and Society and Applied Mathematics at the University at Stony Brook. President's Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1992. In 1997 he was one of ten individuals nationally to receive the 1997 President's Award for Excellence in Science,Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring. The award, jointly administered by the White House and the National Science Foundation, recognizes individuals for their personal efforts and programmatic innovations designed to increase the participation of groups underrepresented in science, mathematics, and engineering. According to the White House and the National Science Foundation, the Presidential awardees will serve as exemplars to their colleagues and will be leaders in the National effort to develop more fully the nation's human resources in these fields.
Dr. Ferguson directs numerous projects aimed at increasing the participation of underrepresented minority students in mathematics, science, and engineering. For a decade, he has co-directed the New York State Education Department-supported Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP). Currently, he directs the NSF-supported SUNY Alliance for Minority Participation (AMP) Program. The Stony Brook CSTEP effort has greatly expanded minority student participation in undergraduate majors in mathematics, science, and engineering. The SUNY AMP Program is a consortium of two-year and four-year colleges, university centers, business and industry, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and state and federal programs; this 16 campus initiative, with headquarters at Stony Brook, proposes to double over the next five years the number of minority students who receive bachelor's degrees in science, mathematics, and engineering.
His work in the use of advanced technologies in learning and teaching has received international attention. He has used his expertise in the cognition of problem-solving both in his mentoring work and in the development of collaborative problem-solving groups in science and mathematics.
Past and Present Research Interests: Quantitative Methods, Computer Applications ( Intelligent Tutoring Systems and Decision Support Systems), Mathematics, Science and Engineering Education
Support by Funding Agencies: National Science Foundation
New York State Education Department
National Institute of Health
Howard Huges Medical InstituteHonors and Awards: President's Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1992
Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1992
Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring (Administered by the White House and NSF), 1997Publications/Patents: 30 Journal Articles 25, Conference papers, 3 Books (Editor)
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