Duane A. Cooper
BS Mathematics (1983) Morehouse College; MS (1983) Electrical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology
Ph.D. (1993) Mathematics University of California, Berkeley,
thesis: Probably Approximately Correct Learning on the Class of Lipschitz Functions; Advisor Morris HirschAssistant Professor Department of Mathematics Morehouse College
personal or universal URL: http://facstaff.morehouse.edu/~dcooper
email: dcooper@morehouse.eduDuane Cooper earned his B.S. from Morehouse College (1983 - mathematics), M.S. from Georgia Institute of Technology (1983 - Electrical Engineering), and his Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of California at Berkeley (1993 -thesis advisor Morris Hirch, area neural nets.). From 1993 until 2002, Dr. Cooper held appointsments in mathematics and education at the University of Maryland-College Park. Currently, Dr. Cooper holds a joint appointment as an Assistant Professor Morehouse Colleage
Selected Publications
- D. Cooper. Spatial Analysis of Cumulative Voting with Modeling for Dynamical System Simulation. Accepted; to appear in Proceedings of Dynamic Systems and Applications, Volume 4.
- D. Cooper (2004). Recommendations for Increasing the Participation and Success of Blacks in Graduate Mathematics Study. Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 51 (5), pp. 538-543.
- D. Cooper (2004). Keeping a Proper Perspective about Your Students. In M. Chappelle, J. Choppin, J. Salls (eds.), Empowering the Beginning Teacher of Mathematics in High School, p. 12; also in M. Chappelle and T. Pateracki (eds.), Empowering the Beginning Teacher of Mathematics in Middle School, p. 6; also in M. Chappelle, J. Schielack, S. Zagorski (eds.), Empowering the Beginning Teacher of Mathematics in Elementary School, p. 9. Reston, Va.: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
- J. Kahan, D. Cooper, K. Bethea (2003). The Role of Mathematics Teachers' Content Knowledge in Their Teaching: A Framework for Research Applied to a Study of Student Teaching. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 6 (3), pp. 223-252.
- D. Cooper (2000). Changing the Faces of Mathematics Ph.D.s: What We Are Learning at the University of Maryland. In M. Strutchens, M. Johnson, and W. Tate (eds.), Changing the Faces of Mathematics: Perspectives on African Americans, pp. 179-192. Reston, Va.: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
- D. Cooper (1999). Navigating the Thorny Path: A Colloquial Definition of Mathematical Literacy. In K. Comfort (ed.), Advancing Standards for Science and Mathematics Education: Views from the Field. Washington: American Association for the Advancement of Science.
- D. Cooper (1997). Mathematics. In New Standards, Performance Standards, Volume 2: Middle School, pp. 54-88. Washington: National Center on Education and the Economy.
- D. Cooper (1996). The Mathematics Major: Gateway to a Variety of Graduate and Professional Opportunities. Math Horizons, The Mathematical Association of America, pp. 20-24.
- D. Cooper (1995). Learning Lipschitz Functions. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 59, pp. 15-26.
We have to thank Janis Oldham and the University of California at Berkeley for help with this webpage.
references: Janis Oldham, University of California at Berkeley;
SUMMA Duane Cooper web page http://www.maa.org/summa/archive/COOPERD.HTM
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