Shiferaw Berhanu
place: Ethiopia
Ph.D. Rutgers University 1987
thesis:Professor of Mathematics Temple University
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research interests are: Microlocal Analysis, Several Complex Variables, Systems of Vector Fields, Semilinear Partial Differential Equations.
- S. Berhanu and J. Hounie : The F. and M. Riesz property for vector fields, to appear in Contemporary Mathematics.
- S. Berhanu and A. Mohammed: A Harnack inequality for ordinary differential equations, to appear in the Amer. Math. Monthly.
- S. Berhanu, F. Cuccu and G. Porru: On the boundary behaviour, including second order effects, of solutions to singular elliptic problems, to appear in Acta Mathematica Sinica.
- S. Berhanu and J. Hounie : Traces and the F. and M. Riesz Theorem for vector fields, Ann. Inst. Fourier, Grenoble 53, 5 (2003), 1-36.
- S. Berhanu and J. Hounie : On boundary properties of solutions of complex vector fields, Journal of Functional Analysis 192 (2002), 446-490
- S. Berhanu and J. Hounie: A strong uniqueness theorem for planar vector fields, Bol. Soc. Bras. Mat., Vol. 32 (2001), No. 3, 359-376
- S. Berhanu and J. Hounie: An F. and M. Riesz theorem for planar vector fields, Math. Ann. 320 (2001), 463-485
- S. Berhanu and J. Hounie : Uniqueness for locally integrable solutions of overdetermined systems, Duke Math. J. 105 (2000), 387-410
- S. Berhanu, J. Hounie and P. Santiago : A similarity principle for complex vector fields and applications, Transactions of the AMS 353 (2000), 1661-1675
- S. Berhanu and G. Porru: Qualitative and quantitative estimates for large solutions to semilinear equations, Communications in Applied Analysis, Volume 4, Number 1, 121-131 (2000)
- S. Berhanu, F. Gladiali and G.Porru : Qualitative properties of solutions to elliptic singular problems, J. of Inequal. & Appl., Vol 3, 313-330 (1999)
- S.Berhanu and I.Pesenson: The trace problem for vector fields satisfying Hormander's condition. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 231,103-122(1999)
- S. Berhanu and A. Meziani: Global properties of a class of planar vector fields of infinite type. Commun. in Partial Differential Equations, 22(1 &2), 99-142(1997).
- S. Berhanu: Extreme points and the strong maximum principle for CR functions, Contemporary Math., Volume 205, 1997, 1-13.
- S. Berhanu and A. Meziani: On rotationally invariant vector fields in the plane. Manuscripta Math. 89(1996), 355-371.
- S. Berhanu and G. Mendoza: Orbits and Global unique continuation for systems of vector fields, Journal of Geometric Analysis , Vol 7, Number 2 (1997) 173-194
- S. Berhanu: Liouville's theorem and the maximum modulus principle for a system of complex vector fields. Comm. PDE 19(1994),1805-1827.
- S. Berhanu and S. Chanillo: Holder and $L^p$ estimates for a local solution of $\overline\partial_b$ at top degree. Journal of Functional Analysis 114(1993), 232-256.
- . S. Berhanu: Propagation of Singularities in a Locally Integrable Structure. Michigan Journal of Math 40(1993), 119-138.
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