Garth A. Baker
place: Jamaica
Cornell University (1973)
thesis:area of degree: Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing -
applications to global analysis and PDEs.Lecturer of Mathematics, Bermuda College, Bermuda (West Indies)
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email: (Knoxville)Until 1999, Dr. Baker was a Professor at the University of Tennesee-Knoxville. After an excelent career at Tennesee, Garth Baker eschewed the career to be a full-time lecturer at Bermuda College. He is also Director of the The Bermuda Institute for Mathematics in Finance and Insurance. In 1999 he organized a conference ":The Future of Mathematics in Business" in Hamilton, Bermuda.
He is author of several articles in both pure and applied mathematics. He has held several faculty positions with other prestigious colleges and universities.
Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing - applications to global analysis and PDEs.
Edited by Garth Baker and Alexandre Freire. Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and their Applications, 29. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1997. xii+153 pp. ISBN: 3-7643-5493-3 58-06 (00B15 35-06)
22. Baker, Garth A.; Dodziuk, Józef Stability of spectra of Hodge-de Rham Laplacians. Math. Z. 224 (1997), no. 3, 327--345.
21. Nonlinear partial differential equations in geometry and physics. The 1995 Barrett Lectures. Proceedings of the Barrett Lectures presented at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, March 22--24, 1995.
20. Baker, Garth A.; Mulay, S. B. Geometric and analytical aspects of anyons. Internat. J. Theoret. Phys. 34 (1995), no. 12, 2435--2451.
19. Baker, Garth A.; Canright, Geoff S.; Mulay, Shashikant B.; Sundberg, Carl On the spectral problem for anyons. Comm. Math. Phys. 153 (1993), no. 2, 277--295.
18. Baker, Garth A.; Jureidini, Wadi N.; Karakashian, Ohannes A. Piecewise solenoidal vector fields and the Stokes problem. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 27 (1990), no. 6, 1466--1485.
17. Baker, G. A.; Jureidini, W. N. A nonstandard finite element method for the stationary two-dimensional Navier\mhy Stokes equations. Comput. Math. Appl. 13 (1987), no. 4, 387--400.
16. Baker, Garth; Pacelli, Graziella; Zirilli, Francesco On some nonlinear boundary value problem on the Poincaré disc with discontinuous data. II. Nonlinear Anal. 10 (1986), no. 6, 525--539.
15. Baker, Garth A. A finite element method for first-order hyperbolic equations. (Chinese) Translated from the English by Yong Fu He and Da Kan Li. Appl. Math. Math. Comput. 1983, no. 1, 49--56.
14. Baker, Garth A. Combinatorial Laplacians and Sullivan\mhy Whitney forms. Differential geometry (College Park, Md., 1981/1982), 1--33, Progr. Math., 32, Birkhäuser, Boston, Mass., 1983.
13. Baker, Garth A.; Dougalis, Vassilios A.; Karakashian, Ohannes A. On a higher order accurate fully discrete Galerkin approximation to the Navier\mhy Stokes equations. Math. Comp. 39 (1982), no. 160, 339--375.
12. Baker, Garth A.; Dougalis, Vassilios A.; Karakashian, Ohannes A. Convergence of Galerkin approximations for the Korteweg\mhy de Vries equation. Math. Comp. 40 (1983), no. 162, 419--433.
11. Baker, Garth A.; Dougalis, Vassilios A.; Serbin, Steven M. An approximation theorem for second-order evolution equations. Numer. Math. 35 (1980), no. 2, 127--142.
10. Baker, Garth A.; Dougalis, Vassilios A.; Karakashian, Ohannes On multistep-Galerkin discretizations of semilinear hyperbolic and parabolic equations. Nonlinear Anal. 4 (1980), no. 3, 579--597.
9. Baker, Garth A.; Dougalis, Vassilios A. On the $L\sp{\infty }$-convergence of Galerkin approximations for second-order hyperbolic equations. Math. Comp. 34 (1980), no. 150, 401--424.
8. Baker, Garth A.; Dougalis, Vassilios A.; Serbin, Steven M. High order accurate two-step approximations for hyperbolic equations. RAIRO Anal. Numér. 13 (1979), no. 3, 201--226.
7. Baker, Garth A.; Bramble, James H. Semidiscrete and single step fully discrete approximations for second order hyperbolic equations. RAIRO Anal. Numér. 13 (1979), no. 2, 75--100.
6. Baker, Garth A.; Bramble, James H.; Thomée, Vidar Single step Galerkin approximations for parabolic problems. Math. Comp. 31 (1977), no. 140, 818--847.
5. Baker, Garth A. Finite element methods for elliptic equations using nonconforming elements. Math. Comp. 31 (1977), no. 137, 45--59.
4. Baker, Garth A.; Dougalis, Vassilios A. The effect of quadrature errors on finite element approximations for second order hyperbolic equations. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 13 (1976), no. 4, 577--598.
3. Baker, Garth A. Error estimates for finite element methods for second order hyperbolic equations. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 13 (1976), no. 4, 564--576.
2. Baker, Garth A. A finite element method for first order hyperbolic equations. Math. Comput. 29 (1975), no. 132, 995--1006.
1. Baker, Garth A. Simplified proofs of error estimates for the least squares method for Dirichlet's problem. Math. Comp. 27 (1973), 229--235.
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