Evans K. Afenya
At the Elmhurst College Summer program
place: Ghana
Bachelor of Science Mathematics, 1982; University of Science
and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana; Master of Science in Mathematics, 1989; University of Illinois at ChicagoUniversity of Illinois at Chicago (Mathematics Ph.D. 1992)
thesis: Modeling Granulocytopoiesis, Normal and Leukemic States; Advisor: Calixto Calderónarea of degree: Mathematical Biology
Associate Professor of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Elmhurst College
personal or universal URL:
email: evansa@elmhurst.eduEmployment: Associate Professor of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Elmhurst College; 1998 - present. Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Elmhurst College; 1992 - 1998.Director, Elmhurst College Academy in Mathematics and Science; 1995 - present. Consultant, Midtown Educational Foundation Summer Program for Inner-City Students, 1994. Consultant and Instructor, Health Careers Opportunity Program, College of Associated Health Professions, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois; 1993 and 1994.
Dr. Afenya has given many invited lectures.
Selected Honors
National Science Foundation Biomathematical Research Grant (DMS-9973944), 1999 - 2002.
National Science Foundation Biomathematical Research Planning Grant (DMS-9710350), 1998 - 1999.
Faculty Summer Research Fellowship Grant, Elmhurst College; 1994, 1995, 1997 - 2000.
SIAM-Awarded NSF Fellowship Travel Grant, 1991 and 1995.
The Marie L. Johnson Award, University of Illinois at Chicago; 1993.
U.S. Department of Education Fellowship; 1992.
Modeling the Malignant Diseases
2. Recovery of Normal Hemopoiesis in Disseminated Cancer Therapy - A Model", Math. Biosci. (accepted for publication - May 2001).
1. Use of Real Time Data to Validate Model Predictions Based on Analyses and Computer Simulations, Cell Prolif. (accepted for publication - May 2001).
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