Iya Abubakar
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email:The following came by internet from Obadiah Mailafia, (London, UK). I continue to verify the data:
Abubakar had first class in mathematics at London University (University College Ibadan) in the '50s, I believe, and completed a doctorate at Cambridge university, England in the 60s. He has been recognised as a first-rate mathematician, becoming a full professor at Ahamdu Bello University in northern Nigeria at the precocious age of 28. His academic productivity suffered a lot when he became Vice Chancellor (President) of the university and eventually a Minister of Finance. He is now a Senator in the new Nigerian parliament.
- Abubakar, Iya; Disturbance due to a line source in a semi-infinite transversely isotropic elastic medium; Geophysical Journal; 6; 1961:337-359.
- Abubakar, Iya; Motion of the surface of a transversely isotropic half-space excited by a buried line source; Geophysical Journal; 7; 1962:87-101.
- Abubakar, Iya Free vibrations of a transversely isotropic plate. Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math. 15 1962 129--136.
- Abubakar, Iya Scattering of plane elastic waves at rough surfaces. II. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 59 1963 231--248.
- Abubakar, Iya Scattering of plane elastic waves at rough surfaces. I. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 58 1962 136--157.
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