racial profiling web pages

"In America, an African-American is born a suspect." - Chris Rock

Here's what I put on line 01/14/2000 in preparation for the Community Dialogue:

Saturday February 26, 2000 - 9:30-11:30
Juneteenth Festival Building, 1517 Genesee St. (at Moselle).

Driving While Black Stories

Other Racial Profiling Stories

racial profiling a self-fulfilling racist policy

racial profiling questions

racial profiling acknowledged

what to do after a racial profiling incident

racial profiling solutions

Educated To Think Black People Are Dangerous

White and shot by cops?

In addition, I looked at over 200 of the 10,000+ web sites turned up by NorthernLight and Hotbot search engines and here are a few.

1. http://fullcoverage.yahoo.com/Full_Coverage/US/Racial_Profiling/

2. http://racerelations.about.com/culture/racerelations/msubprofiling.htm?once=true&

3. http://www.pathfinder.com/time/magazine/1998/dom/980615/nation_driving_while.html

4. http://www.aclu.org/profiling/report/index.html

5. http://www.usnews.com/usnews/issue/990315/nycu/15driv.htm

6. http://www.aclu.org/news/1999/n042099c.htm

7. http://www.afrocentricnews.net/html/racial_profiling.html
