Week 2: Sept 4 - 10 =================== Quiz 1 ~~~~~~ .. rubric:: Tuesday, September 5 * :download:`Sample Quiz 1 <../Quizzes/quiz1_sample.pdf>` What is covered: * Mathematical operations on integers and floats. * Strings and string formating. * The ``print()`` function. * Conversion functions: ``int()``, ``round()``, ``float()``, ``str()``. * Variable assignment. * Importing modules. * The ``if`` statement. Python ~~~~~~ * :doc:`Lists and "for" loops ` * ``range()`` * ``while`` loops * Fine-tuning loops: ``break`` and ``continue`` * :doc:`Functions ` * Logical operators: ``not``, ``and``, ``or`` Mathematics ~~~~~~~~~~~ * Primary decomposition of integers * Congruences Project 1 ~~~~~~~~~ .. rubric:: Due: Thursday, September 14, 8:00 AM. * :doc:`A Prime or Not a Prime `. Week 2 notebook ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `View online <../_static/week2_in_class.html>`_ - `Download <../_static/week2_in_class.ipynb>`_ (after downloading put it in the directory where you keep your Jupyter notebooks).