Numpy arrays ============ Numpy array basics ------------------ Numpy is the standard module for doing numerical computations in Python. It provides tools for writing code which is both easier to develop and usually a lot faster than it would be without numpy. We begin by importing numpy: .. code:: python import numpy as np The main objects provided by numpy are numpy arrays, than in their simplest form are similar to lists. A list can be converted into a numpy array using the numpy ``array()`` function: .. code:: python mylist = [1, 2, 3] print(numbers) .. container:: output [1, 2, 3] .. code:: python a = np.array(numbers) print(numbers_arr) .. container:: output [1 2 3] A visible difference between lists and numpy arrays is that arrays are printed without commas separating their elements. We can also use the ``type()`` function to verify that ``a`` is a numpy array: .. code:: python type(mylist) .. container:: output list .. code:: python type(a) .. container:: output numpy.ndarray One advantage of using numpy arrays that many computations can be performed on all array elements at once: .. code:: python print(2*a) # multiplication by a number .. container:: output [2 4 6] .. code:: python print(a**3) # exponentiation .. container:: output [ 1 8 27] .. code:: python a += 10 # incrementing elements of an array print(a) .. container:: output [11 12 13] .. code:: python b = np.array([100, 200, 300]) print(a+b) # addition of arrays .. container:: output [111 212 313] .. code:: python print(b/a) # division of one array by another .. container:: output [ 9.09090909 16.66666667 23.07692308] The numpy module contains implementations of many mathematical functions (trigonometric, logarithmic etc.) that can be applied to whole numpy arrays: .. code:: python print(np.sin(a)) # compute sine of every element of an array .. container:: output [-0.99999021 -0.53657292 0.42016704] In other respects numpy array behave the same way as lists. For example, ``for`` loops work with numpy arrays as usual: .. code:: python x = np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,8]) for t in x: print(t**2) .. container:: output 1 4 9 16 25 36 64 Indexing and slicing operations are also unchanged: .. code:: python x[0] = 100 print(x) .. container:: output [100 2 3 4 5 6 8] .. code:: python y = x[:4] print(y) .. container:: output [100 2 3 4] Some differences between lists and numpy arrays ----------------------------------------------- **1.** Lists can contain objects of different types, but in numpy arrays all objects must be of the same type (integers, floats, strings, booleans etc). .. code:: python a = np.array([100, 200, 300]) # a is an array of integers a[0] = 'hello' # assigning a string as an array element results in an error .. container:: output ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) in () 1 a = np.array([100, 200, 300]) # a is an array of integers ----> 2 a[0] = 'hello' # assigning a string as an array element results in an error ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'hello' **2.** Lists can be shortened and extended (e.g. using ``append``). The size of a numpy array is fixed when the array is created and can't be changed. **3.** Lists slicing produces a new list, independent of the original list. For numpy arrays slicing produces a *view* of the original array; changing a slice changes the original array: .. code:: python a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) b = a[:3] b[0] = 999 print('b = {}'.format(b)) print('a = {}'.format(a)) .. container:: output b = [999 2 3] a = [999 2 3 4] We can use the ``copy()`` function to get an independent copy of an array or its slice: .. code:: python a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) b = np.copy(a[:3]) b[0] = 999 print('b = {}'.format(b)) print('a = {}'.format(a)) .. container:: output b = [999 2 3] a = [1 2 3 4] How to create a numpy array --------------------------- Numpy arrays can be created in several ways: **1.** The ``np.array()`` function converts a list into a numpy array: .. code:: python a = np.array([1,2,3]) print(a) .. container:: output [1 2 3] **2.** ``np.zeros()`` creates an array of zeros of a given length: .. code:: python a0 = np.zeros(5) print(a0) .. container:: output [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.] **3.** ``np.ones()`` creates an array of ones: .. code:: python a1 = np.ones(7) print(a1) .. container:: output [ 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.] From here we can easily get an array with any fixed value for its entries: .. code:: python b = 3.14*a1 print(b) .. container:: output [ 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14] **4.** ``np.empty()`` creates an array of a given length with unitialized entries (more precisely, values of the array will be equal to whatever is in the computer memory in the region allocated to the array) . This is useful if we want to set values of the array at some later point. For large arrays ``np.empty()`` works faster than ``np.zeros()`` and ``np.ones()``: .. code:: python c = np.empty(4) print(c) .. container:: output [ 4.94065646e-324 9.88131292e-324 1.48219694e-323 1.97626258e-323] **Note.** By default ``np.zeros()``, ``np.ones()``, and ``np.empty()`` create arrays of floats, but we can use the ``dtype`` argument to specify a different data type: .. code:: python a = np.zeros(5, dtype=int) # creates an array of integers print(a) .. container:: output [0 0 0 0 0] **5.** ``np.arange()`` is similar to the ``range()`` function but it produces a numpy array: .. code:: python numbers = np.arange(10) print(numbers) .. container:: output [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] .. code:: python evens = np.arange(10, 20, 2) # start at 10, stop at 20, increment by 2 print(evens) .. container:: output [10 12 14 16 18] **Note.** Arguments of ``np.arange()`` need not be integers: .. code:: python w = np.arange(0.3, 1.0, 0.2) # start at 0.3, stop at 1.0, increment by 0.2 print(w) .. container:: output [ 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9] **6.** ``np.linspace(a, b, n)`` creates an array of ``n`` evenly spaced points between the numbers ``a`` and ``b``: .. code:: python x = np.linspace(0,1,5) print(x) .. container:: output [ 0. 0.25 0.5 0.75 1. ] Numpy and matplotlib -------------------- matplotlib works directly with numpy arrays: .. code:: python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x = np.linspace(-10, 10, 100) y = x**2 plt.plot(x, y) .. image:: PT-numpy_arrays-1.svg :width: 400 px :align: center Further reading --------------- `Numpy documentation `__ provides a comprehensive numpy reference and a `quickstart tutorial `__.