Willie Hobbs Moore,
first African American Woman Physicist

born: 1934, place
died 1994

Willie Hobbs Moore was the first African American woman to earn a Ph.D. in Physics (University of Michigan Ann Arbor 1972) on vibrational analysis of secondary chlorides. While at Michigan, Moore worked for Datamax Corporation. She has also held engineering positions at Bendix Aerospace Systems, Barnes Engineering, and Sensor Dynamics where she was responsible for the theoretical analysis.

The technique known as design of experiments (DOE) has been gaining more widespread application in recent times. DOE is considered to have originated at the Rothamsted agricultural research station near London in the early 1920s, when R. A. Fisher attempted to improve the yield of wheat, potato and other crops with the aid of statistical experimental design. A brief article on this subject, with extensive references, was published by G. E. P. Box and S. Bisgaard in the June 1987 issue of Quality Progress under the title of The Scientific Context of Quality Improvement. However, conventional DOE has a number of serious limitations when applied to industrial experimentation. These are described in several textbooks, such as Quality Engineering by Yuin Wu and Willie Hobbs Moore, published by the American Supplier Institute in 1986.


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State University of New York at Buffalo

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