Samir H. Saker

Born: Junuary 11, 1971.

place: Egypt

B. Sc. (1993) Mathematics Mansoura University, Egypt; M. Sc. (1997) Mathematics (Differential Equations), Mansoura University, Egypt..

Ph. D. (Decmber 2002) in Mathematics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland
thesis: : Oscillation Theory of Delay Differential and Difference Equations and Some of Their Applications;

Trinity University, San Antonio, TX March 2005 to August 2005 and in Canada, University of Calgary August 2005 to August 2006.

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Employment History

Lecturer of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University from 20/7/2003 till Now.

Assistant Lecturer of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University from 17/1/98 to 19/7/2003.

Demonstrator of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University from 17/12/1994 to 16/1/1998.


Summary of Studies:

  1. Oscillation theory of differential and partial differential equations
  2. Oscillation theory of difference and partial difference equations,
  3. Periodicity of non-autonomous delay difference equations,
  4. Global dynamics of nonlinear delay continuous and discrete mathematical models in Biology, Ecology, Medicines, Economics, etc. (oscillation, boundedness, permanence, periodicity, persistence, stability, global attractivity).
  5. Oscillation theory of dynamic equations on time scales.


  1. S. H. Saker and J. V. Manojlovic, Oscillation criteria for second order Superlinear neutral delay differential equations, EJQTDE. 10 (2004), 1-22.
  2. S. H. Saker, Oscillation criteria of certain class of third-order nonlinear delay differential equations, Math. Slovaca (accepted).
  3. S. H. Saker, Oscillation of second order neutral delay differential equations of Emden-Fowler type, Acta Math. Hungarica 100, no.1-2 (2003), 7-32.
  4. E. M. Elabbasy and S. H. Saker, Oscillation of delay differential equations with several positive and negative coefficients, Disc. Math. Differential Inclusion, (23) (2003) 39-52.
  5. S. H. Saker, P.Y.H. Pang and Ravi P Agarwal, Oscillation theorems for second order nonlinear functional differential equations with damping, Dynamic Sys. Appl. 12 (2003), 307-322.
  6. I. Kubiaczyk and S. H. Saker and J. Morhalo, New oscillation criteria for nonlinear neutral delay differential equations, Appl. Math. Comp. 142 (2-3)(2003), 225-242.
  7. S. H. Saker, Oscillation of solutions of a pair of coupled nonlinear delay differential equations, Portugalae Mathematica 60 (2003), 319-336.
  8. I. Kubiaczyk, W. T. Li and S. H. Saker, Oscillation of higher order delay differential equations with applications to hyperbolic equations, Indian J. Pure & Appl. Math. 34 (2003), 1259-1271.
  9. S. H. Saker, Oscillation of higher order neutral delay differential equations with variable coefficients, Dynamic Systems & Application 11 (2002), no. 1, 107-125.
  10. I. Kubiaczk and S. H. Saker, New oscillation criteria of first order delay differential equations, Demonstr. Math. 35, no.2 (2002), 313-324.
  11. W. T. Li and S. H. Saker, Oscillation of solutions to impulsive delay differential equations, Commentationes Mathematicae XLII (2002), 63-74.
  12. I. Kubiaczyk, S. H. Saker, Oscillation of solution of neutral delay differential equations, Math. Slovaca 52 (2002), no. 3, 343-359.
  13. S. H. Saker and I. Kubiaczyk, Oscillation of nonlinear neutral delay differential equations, J. Appl. Analysis 8 (2002), no.2, 261-278.
  14. I. Kubiaczyk and S. H. Saker, Oscillation theorems of second order nonlinear neutral delay differential equations, Disc. Math. Diff. Incl. Cont. Optim. 22 (2002), 185-212.
  15. Ravi P. Agarwal and S. H. Saker, Oscillation of solutions to neutral delay differential equations with positive and negative coefficients, International Journal of Differential Equations and Applications 2 (2001), 449-465.
  16. S. H. Saker and E. M. Elabbasy, Oscillation of first order neutral delay differential equations, Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 41 (2001), 311-321.
  17. W. T. Li and S. H. Saker, Oscillation of nonlinear neutral delay differential equations and applications, Annales Polinici Mathematici 77 (2001), no. 1, 39-51.
  18. E. M. Elabbasy, A. S. Hegazi and S. H. Saker, Oscillation of solutions to delay differential equations with positive and negative coefficients, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations 2000, No. 13 (2000), 1-13.
  19. E. M. Elabbasy and S. H. Saker, Oscillation of nonlinear delay differential equations with several positive and negative coefficients, Kyungpook Mathematical Journal, Vol. 39 (1999), 366-376.
  20. E. M. Elabbasy, S. H. Saker and K. Saif, Oscillation of nonlinear delay differential equations with application to models exhibiting the Allee effect, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 1, no. 4 (1999), 603-620.

Partial Differential Equations

  1. I. Kubiaczyk, S. H. Saker, Oscillation of parabolic delay differential equations, Demonst. Math. 35, no.4 (2002), 781-792.
  2. I. Kubiaczyk and S. H. Saker, Oscillation of delay parabolic differential equations with several coefficients, J. Comp. Appl. Math. 147 (2002), no. 2, 263-275.
  3. I. Kubiaczyk and S. H. Saker, Oscillation of parabolic delay differential equations with positive and negative coefficients, Commentationes Mathematicae XLII (2002), 221-236.
  4. S. H. Saker, Oscillation of hyperbolic nonlinear differential equations with deviating arguments, Publ. Math. Debr. 62 (2003), 165-185.

Difference Equations

  1. Y. G. Sun and S. H. Saker, Oscillation for second-order nonlinear neutral delay difference equations, Appl. Math. Comp. 163 (2005) 909-918.
  2. S. H. Saker, Oscillation criteria of second-order half-linear delay difference equations, Kyungpook Math. J. (accepted).
  3. S. H. Saker, Oscillation and asymptotic behavior of third-order nonlinear neutral delay difference equations, Dynamic Systems & Applications, (accepted).
  4. S. H. Saker, Oscillation of third-order difference equations, Portugalae Mathematica 61 (2004), 249-257.
  5. I. Kubiaczyk and S. H. Saker, Oscillation and asymptotic behavior of second-order nonlinear difference equations, Fasc. Math. No. 34 (2004), 39-54.
  6. S. H. Saker and S. S. Cheng, Kamenev type oscillation criteria for nonlinear difference equations, Czechoslovak Math. J. 54 (2004) 955 ­ 967.
  7. S. H. Saker and S. S. Cheng, Oscillation criteria for difference equations with damping terms, Appl. Math. Comp. 148 (2004), 421-442.
  8. S. H. Saker, Oscillation of second order nonlinear delay difference equations, Bulletin of the Korean Math. Soc. 40 (2003), 489-501.
  9. S. H. Saker, Oscillation theorems for second-order nonlinear delay difference equations, Periodica Math. Hungarica 47 (2003), 201-213.
  10. B. G. Zhang and S. H. Saker, Kamenev-Type Oscillation Criteria for Nonlinear Neutral Delay Difference , Indian J. Pure Appl. Math 34 (2003), 1571-1584.
  11. I. Kubiaczyk, S. H. Saker, J. Morchalo, Kamenev-type oscillation criteria for sublinear delay difference equations, Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. 34 (2003), 273-1284.
  12. S. H. Saker, New oscillation criteria for second-order nonlinear neutral delay difference equations, Appl. Math. Comp. 142 (1)(2003), 99-111.
  13. S. H. Saker, Oscillation theorems of nonlinear difference equations of second order, Georgian Mathematical J. 10, no.2 (2003), 343-352.
  14. S. H. Saker, Oscillation of second-order perturbed nonlinear difference equations, Appl. Math. Comp. 144 (2-3) (2003), 305-324.
  15. W. T. Li and S. H. Saker, Oscillation of second-order sublinear neutral delay difference equations, Appl. Math. Comp. 146 (2003), 543-551
  16. S. H. Saker and P. J. Y. Wong, Nonexistence of unbounded nonoscillatory solutions of nonlinear perturbed partial difference equations, J. Concrete and Aapplicable Math. 1 (1) (2003), 87-99.
  17. S. H. Saker, Oscillation of nonlinear neutral difference equations, Inter. J. Pure Appl. Math. vol. 1, no. 4 (2002), 459-470.
  18. S. H. Saker, Kamenev-type oscillation criteria for forced Emden-Fowler Superlinear difference equations, Elect. J. Diff. Eqns. 2002 (2002), no. 68, 1-9.

Partial Difference Equations

  1. S. H. Saker, Oscillation of parabolic neutral delay difference equations, Bull. Korean Math. Soc. (to appear).
  2. I. Kubiaczyk and S. H. Saker, Kamenev-type oscillation criteria for hyeperbolic nonlinear delay difference equations, Demonstratio Math. 36, no. 1 (2003), 113-122.
  3. S. H. Saker, Oscillation of parabolic neutral delay difference equations with several positive and negative coefficients, Appl. Math. Comp. 143 (1), (2003), 173-186.
  4. I. Kubiaczyk and S. H. Saker, Oscillation theorems for discrete nonlinear delay wave equations, Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 2003, 83, No. 12, 812-819, ( J. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics), (ZAMM).
  5. S. H. Saker, Kamenev-type oscillation criteria for hyperbolic nonlinear neutral delay difference equations, Nonlinear Studies 10 (2003), 221-236.

Qualitative Analysis of Some Mathl. Models

  1. E. M. Elabbasy and S. H. Saker, Periodic solutions and oscillation of discrete nonlinear delay population dynamics model with external force, IMA J. Appl. Math. (2005), 1-15.
  2. S. H. Saker and S. Agarwal, Oscillation and global attractivity of a periodic survival red blood cells model, Journal Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Series B: Applications & Algorithms, (to appear).
  3. E. M. Elabbasy, S. H. Saker, Dynamics of a class of non-autonomous systems of two non-interacting preys with common predator, J. Appl. Math. Computing, (accepted).
  4. S. H. Saker and Y. G. Sun, Existence of positive periodic solutions of nonlinear discrete model exhibiting the Allee effect, Appl. Math. Comp. (Accepted).
  5. S. H. Saker and Y. G. Sun, Oscillatory and asymptotic behavior of positive periodic solutions of nonlinear discrete model exhibiting the Allee effect, Appl. Math. Comp. (Accepted).
  6. [S. H. Saker, Oscillation and global attractivity of impulsive periodic delay respiratory dynamics model, Chinese Annals Math. (accepted).
  7. S. H. Saker, Existence of positive periodic solutions of discrete model for the interaction of demand and supply, Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications (NFAA), (accepted).
  8. S. H. Saker, Oscillation of continuous and discrete diffusive delay Nicholson's blowflies models, Appl. Math. Comp. (in press).
  9. S. H. Saker, Oscillation and global attractivity in hematopoiesis model with periodic coefficients, Appl. Math. Comp. 142 (2-3) (2003), 477-494.
  10. B. G. Zhang and S. H. Saker, Oscillation in a discrete partial delay survival red blood cells model, Mathl. Comp. Modelling 37 (2003), 659-664.
  11. I. Kubiaczyk and S. H. Saker, Oscillation and global attractivity of discrete survival red blood cells model, Applicationes Mathematicae 30 (2003), 441-449.
  12. S. H. Saker, Oscillation and global attractivity in a periodic delay hematopoiesis model, J. Appl. Math. Computing 13, (2003), 287-300.
  13. S. H. Saker, Oscillation and global attractivity of Hematopoiesis model with delay time, Applied Math. Comp. 136 (2003), no.2-3, 27-36.
  14. S. H. Saker and B. G. Zhang, Oscillation in a discrete partial Nichlson's Blowflies model, Mathl. Comp. Modelling 36 (2002), 9-10, 1021-1026.
  15. I. Kubiaczyk and S. H. Saker, Oscillation and stability of nonlinear delay differential equations of population dynamics, Mathematical and Computer Modelling 35 (2002), 295-301.
  16. S. H. Saker and S. Agarwal, Oscillation and global attractivity in a nonlinear delay periodic model of Respiratory Dynamics, Comp. Math. Appl. 44 (2002), 5-6, 623-632.
  17. S. H. Saker and S. Agarwal, Oscillation and global attractivity in nonlinear delay periodic model of population dynamics, Applicable Analysis 81 (2002), 787 ­ 799.
  18. S. H. Saker and S. Agarwal, Oscillation and global attractivity in a periodic Nicholson's Blowflies model, Mathl. Comp. Modelling 35 (2002), 719-731.
  19. E. M. Elabbasy, S. H. Saker and K. Saif, Oscillation in Host Macroparasite model with delay time, Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 4, no. 2, (2000), 119-142.

Dynamic Equations on Time Scales

  1. S. H. Saker, Oscillation criteria of second-order half-linear dynamic equations on time scales, J. Comp. Appl. Math. 177(2005), 375-387.
  2. R. Agarwal, M. Bohner and S. H. Saker, Oscillation criteria for second order delay dynamic equation, Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly, (accepted).
  3. S. H. Saker, Boundedness of solutions of second-order forced nonlinear dynamic equations, Rocky Mountain. J. Math. (accepted).
  4. *R. P. Agarwal, D. O'Regan and S. H. Saker, Oscillation criteria for second-order nonlinear neutral delay dynamic equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 300 (2004), 203-217.
  5. S. H. Saker, Oscillation of nonlinear dynamic equations on time scales, Appl. Math. Comp. 148 (2004), 81-91.
  6. M. Bohner and S. H. Saker, Oscillation of second order nonlinear dynamic equations on time scales, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 34, no. 4 (2004), 1239-1254.
  7. M. Bohner and S. H. Saker, Oscillation criteria for perturbed nonlinear dynamic equations, Mathl. Comp. Modeling 40 (2004), 3-4, 249 ­ 260.
  8. L. Erbe, A. Peterson and S. H. Saker, Oscillation criteria for second-order nonlinear dynamic equations on time scales. J. London Math. Soc. 76 (2003), 701-714.
  9. E. A. Bohner, M. Bohner and S. H. Saker, Oscillation for a certain of class of second order Emden-Fowler dynamic equations, Electr. Transaction Numerical Anal. (to appear).

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