Arthur D. Grainger


Born: 1942

Birthplace: Baltimore, Maryland

B.S. Mathematics (1964) Morgan State University; M.S. Mathematics (1966) University of Maryland, College Park

Ph. D. Mathematics (1975) University of Maryland, College Park
thesis: On Nonstandard Topological Vector Spaces and Invariant Subspaces of Compact Operator; A. Bernstein

Professor of Mathematics, Morgan State University

personal or universal URL:

Arthur D. Grainger earned a B.S. in Mathematics from Morgan State (1964) where he was part of the "famous trio" Barnes-Grainger-Williams under Clarence Stephens. After a Masters Degree from the University of Maryland, Granger worked at International Business Machines from (?)-(?) he worked for IBM?. He earned is Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Maryland. From (?) to (?), Dr. Grainger was an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Louisiana State University. He worked for AT&T (?) where he rose to Manager. In (1993), he returned to Morgan State University as a Full Professor and Mathematics Department Head.


Area of Research Interests: Non-Standard Analysis

PUBLICATIONS (in Mathematics)

  1. Grainger, Arthur D. Ultrafilters on the collection of finite subsets of an infinite set. Semigroup Forum 67 (2003), no. 3, 443--453.
  2.  Grainger, Arthur D. Invariant subspaces for polynomially compact almost superdiagonal operators on $l(p\sb i)$. Int. J. Math. Math. Sci. 2003, no. 31, 1961--1971.
  3.  Grainger, Arthur D. Flat sets. J. Symbolic Logic 59 (1994), no. 3, 1012--1021.
  4.  Grainger, Arthur D. On the nonstandard duality theory of locally convex spaces. Canad. J. Math. 32 (1980), no. 2, 460--479.
  5.  Grainger, Arthur D. Finite points of filters in infinite-dimensional vector spaces. Fund. Math. 104 (1979), no. 1, 47--67.
  6.  Grainger, Arthur D. Invariant subspaces of compact operators on topological vector spaces. Pacific J. Math. 56 (1975), no. 2, 477--493.


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