Aniekan Ebiefung


place: Nigeria

B.S. Math/Statisitcs (1982) University of Calabar, Nigeria; M.S. Mathematics (1987) Howard University

Ph.D. (1991) Clemson University
thesis: The Generalized Linear Complementarity Problem and it's Applications; Advisor:

University of Chattanooga Foundation Professor of Mathematics at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.

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Dr. Aniekan Ebiefung is a University of Chattanooga Foundation Professor of Mathematics at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. He started his career at UTC as an assistant professor of Mathematics on August 1, 1991. He was awarded the UC Foundation Professorship in 1993, promoted to an Associate Professor in 1996, and to Full Professor in 2001.

Professor Ebiefung holds Bachelors of Science degree in Mathematics and Statistics (with First Class Honors) from the University of Calabar, Masters of Science in Mathematics from Howard University, and Ph.D in Mathematical Sciences from Clemson University (1988-1991). He has held faculty positions at Calabar Polytechnic; University of Cross River State; Federal University of Technology, Owerri; Howard University, Clemson University, and University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.

He has received may research and teaching awards. These include the 1993 Oakridge Associated Universities Junior Faculty Enhancement Award in Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Chattanooga Foundation Professorship 1993-4, Student Government Association Outstanding Professor Award 1993-4, and the 1998 Southeastern Inform Best Paper Award in Quantitative Theory and Methods Track.


Operations research-Mathematical Programming; Linear Algebra and its Applications; Input-Output Models and Choice of Technology.


1. Aniekan Ebiefung, Michael Kostreva. Production Equilibrium Point in Multi-Unit Manufacturing Systems and Complementarity Problems. To appear in Annals of Operations Research.
2. Aniekan Ebiefung, and Godwin Udo. Production Equilibrium Point in Multi-Unit Manufacturing Systems. Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, pp. 865-867, 2000.
3. Aniekan Ebiefung, and Godwin Udo. The Concerns of Information Technology Users: A survey. Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, pp. 764-766, 2000.
4. Aniekan Ebiefung. Choice of Technology and Industrial Pollution Emission Control Model. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, CDR Book, China Machine Press, 2000.
5. Aniekan Ebiefung, A Generalization of the Industrial Pollution Emission Control Model. Proceedings of the Fifth Africa-USA International Conference on Manufacturing Technology, pp. 109-116, 2000.
6. Aniekan A. Ebiefung. The Vertical Linear Complementarity Problem Associated with Po-matrices. Optimization Methods and Software, Vol. 10, pp. 747-761, 1999.
7. Aniekan Ebiefung and Godwin Udo. Information Technology Outsourcing Decision Analysis: Analytic Hierarchy Approach. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, pp. 675-677, 1999.
8. Aniekan Ebiefung and Godwin Udo. Human Factors Affecting the Success of Advanced Manufacturing Systems. Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 37, No.1-2, pp. 297-3000, 1999.
9. Aniekan Ebiefung and Godwin Udo. An Industrial Pollution Emission Control Model. Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 37, No.1-2, pp. 371-374, 1999.
10. Aniekan A. Ebiefung. Choice of Technology and Partial Industrial Pollution Control. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Chapter of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, pp. 449-451, 1998.
11. Aniekan A. Ebiefung. New Perturbation Results for Solving the Linear Complementarity Problem, Applied Math Letters, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 37-39, 1998.
12. Aniekan A. Ebiefung and Michael M. Kostreva. The generalized Linear Complementarity Problem: Least Element Theory and Z-matrices, Journal of Global Optimization 11, pp. 151-161, 1997.
13. Aniekan A. Ebiefung , Michael M. Kostreva, and V. Ramanujam. An Algorithm to Solve the Generalized Linear Complementarity Problem with a Vertical Block Z-matrix, Journal of Optimization Methods and Software 7, pp.123-138, 1997.
14. Aniekan Ebiefung and Godwin Udo. Products Selection and Inventory Control Model for Multi-unit Manufacturing Systems, Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute, pp.1076-1078 , 1996.
15. A. Ebiefung. Existence Theory and Q-matrix Characterization for the Generalized Linear Complementarity Problem, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 223/224, pp. 155-169, 1995.
16. A. Ebiefung. Nonlinear Mappings Associated with the Generalized Linear Complementarity Problem, Mathematical Programming 69, pp. 255-268, 1995.
17. A. Ebiefung. A Support Submatrix for the Generalized Linear Complementarity Problem, Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol. 7, pp. 35-38, 1994.
18. Aniekan A. Ebiefung, The Use of Software in Linear Algebra: Student responses and observations, The Appalachian Journal of School and College Mathematics, 115-126, 1994.
19. Aniekan A. Ebiefung and Michael M. Kostreva. Generalized Po- and Z-matrices, Linear Algebra and its Applications, vol. 195, pp. 165-179, 1993.
20. A. Ebiefung and G. J. Udo. A Mathematical Model for Optimizing Production Levels of Multi-unit Manufacturing Systems, Proceedings of the Southeastern Decision Sciences Institute, pp. 254-257, 1993.
21. Special Issue: The Generalized Leontief Input-Output Linear Model and its application to the Choice of New Technology, in Advances in Equilibrium Modeling, Analysis, and Computation, edited by Anna Nagurney, Baltzer A G Science Publishers, pp. 161-172, 1993.
22. Book Chapter: Global Solvability of Generalized Linear Complementarity Problems and a Related Class of Polynomial Complementarity Problems, Recent Advances in Global Optimization, Edited by Floudas, C., and Pardalos, P., Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, pp. 102-124, 1992.
23. Aniekan Ebiefung. Statistical Quantification of Business Management, The Business Mind, University of Calabar, 1980-81
24. Aniekan Ebiefung. Prospects and Inhibitions of Mathematics Education in Nigerian Schools, EDUSCOPE, Vol. 12, 1981.
25. Aniekan Ebiefung. The Simple Calculating Machine, Science Digest, University of Calabar, 1979-80.

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